If you are interested in participating in a cancer clinical trial, talk to your treating doctor and your nursing team. They can assess whether taking part in a trial is suitable for you and in your best interest. Go here for further information.
You can search for a trial that is relevant to a particular type and stage of cancer using the search tool below. If you are unsure what any of the terms mean, or what you should select, you can leave any of the dropdowns or tick boxes blank. The search will still return results for you.
Search for a trial

This search tool was implemented as part of the 2024 Just ask campaign. Since 2017, Cancer Trials Ireland has rolled out an annual campaign (Just Ask) to promote public awareness and understanding of clinical trials and associated issues. Just Ask 2024 is supported by:

- Neoadjuvant - before the primary treatment (usually surgery)
- Adjuvant - after the primary treatment (usually surgery)
- Locally Advanced/Metastatic - cancer that has spread from where it first started