Can I take part in a trial?

If you are interested in finding out more about the possibility of joining a cancer trial the first thing you need to do is Just Ask Your Doctor! He or she can assess whether taking part in a trial is suitable for you, and is in your best interest. It could be helpful to have a look at the list of cancer trials that are open and currently enrolling patients. You will see that each trial lists the criteria that patients need to meet to be able to participate. For instance, a trial might be for a certain age group, a particular type or stage of cancer, or for patients with specific previous treatments. If you see a trial you’d like to discuss with your doctor you can print off the information using the PRINT THIS PAGE button and bring it along to your next appointment. Alternatively, ask one of your healthcare professionals to look at this list and see is there a trial that might be suitable. Remember you might be able to take part in a trial that is being run in a hospital other than the hospital you are attending. Alternatively you can contact one of the Cancer Trials Research Units where trials are carried out. The Irish Cancer Society’s Cancer Nurseline Freephone 1800 200 700 is a very valuable source of information as is its website Another helpful source of support is the Irish Cancer Society’s Daffodil centres.