How to start a trial

If you have an idea for a trial, the first step is to discuss it with the chair of the Disease-Specific Subgroup (DSSG) you are aligned with.

Our knowledgeable, experienced, and friendly team at Cancer Trials Ireland is also available for advice, particularly on protocol development and data and statistical analysis.

If your DSSG chair supports your proposal, the next step is to develop a concept submission for discussion at the next DSSG meeting.

The DSSGs meet three times a year. If your DSSG supports your concept, it will have to successfully pass a two-step peer review process before it will be discussed by the Scientific Management Group. This group evaluates all study proposals put forward by DSSGs and ratifies studies that meet its scientific and resource criteria and strategic objectives.

Funding can naturally be a stumbling block, but we can also help you navigate the possible funding streams. These can include funding opportunities from the EU, the Health Research Board, the Irish Cancer Society, and pharmaceutical companies that may be interested in supporting your idea. You can learn more about current funding opportunities here.

So, if you have an idea, why not come to the next DSSG meeting and discuss it with your colleagues?