About this trial

This is a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled, Phase 2 study of INBRX-109 in unresectable or metastatic conventional chondrosarcoma patients. INBRX-109 is a recombinant humanized tetravalent antibody targeting the human death receptor 5 (DR5).

Patient Profile

To be eligible for this study, patients must meet several requirements, including:

  • Participants must have inoperable or metastatic chondrosarcoma that is continuing to grow.
  • At least 4 weeks must pass between the completion of any prior treatments and receipt of the study medication.
  • Patients must be physically well enough that they are able to be mobile, take care of themselves, and engage in all but physically strenuous activities. For example, they must be well enough that they could carry out office work or light housework.
  • This study is for people age 18 and older.

Where’s this trial being run?

Can I join this study / trial?

The first thing you do is to talk to your doctor and/or the cancer trials research team in your hospital. The contact details for the cancer trials research units in Ireland is here.

Why not Print this page and bring it with you. It will help your doctor and research team advise you.

For more detailed information


Here’s a list of questions you may have for your doctor or local cancer research team.

Summary Data

Name: INBRX-109
Number: 24-33
Full Title:

A Randomized, Blinded, Placebo-controlled, Phase 2 Study of INBRX-109 in Unresectable or Metastatic Conventional Chondrosarcoma

Principal Investigator:
Type: Industry Sponsored

Inhibrx Biosciences, Inc

Recruitment Started: Global: 23-09-2021
Global Recruitment Target: 201
Ireland Recruitment Target: