Adjuvant hormonal therapy added to radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer

Prof J Armstrong, Consultant Radiation Oncologist at UCD, examines the biological behaviour and treatment of prostate cancer

The biological behaviour of prostate cancer can be predicted using clinically- available data. The combination of clinical stage, tumour grade (usually described as Gleason score, a method of grading histology — high scores have a bad prognosis) and the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) can be used to predict the risk category of individual patients. The TNM staging system is described it Table 1.

New Cancer Research Centre open at Mater

The Taoiseach Mr Bertie Ahern recently opened the new €1.5 million Mater University Hospital Institute for Cancer Research, the new Department of Postgraduate Education and the Fintan Gunne Lecture Theatre, all at 48 Eccles Street, Dublin.

Merck Halts Worldwide Sales of Vioxx

Thursday September 30, 11:28 am ET
By Linda A. Johnson, AP Business Writer

Merck Stops Vioxx Sales Due to Data Showing Increased Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke; Stock Falls
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co. is halting worldwide sales of its blockbuster arthritis drug Vioxx, once viewed as possibly being able to prevent some cancers, because new data from a clinical trial found an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Its stock price plunged more than 26 percent as the company said the recall will hurt its earnings.

Minutes of Meeting - Irish Council for Bioethics on ethical requirements for clinical trials

Minutes of Meeting held by Irish Council for Bioethics on ethical requirements for clinical trials on 23rd March in the Royal Irish Academy

Attendees: Ethics committee chairmen and secretaries, Health Research Board and ICORG. Prepared by : Siobhan Gaynor 24th March 2004

Speaker: Mr Tom McGuinn Chief Pharmacist Dept of Health & Children


ICORG forms groundbreaking alliance with worlds leading US cancer research group

ICORG first research organisation in Europe to achieve such affiliation – (4th September 2003)

The Irish Clinical Oncology Research Group (ICORG), which continues to attract major international oncology research programme to Ireland, has announced today that it has become affiliate members of one of the premier American cancer research organizations; The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP).