ICORG on RTE Radio 1 - Today with Sean O’Rourke Show (29th October 2013)

Dr Ray McDermott [ICORG Clinical Leader] and Dr Janice Walshe were guests on the "Today with Sean O’Rourke" Show on RTE Radio 1 discussing ICORG and Cancer Clinical Trials.

  Click here to listen to the interview

If you would like to assist ICORG in the important work we do in Fighting Cancer and bringing new Clinical Treatments to Patients in Ireland through Clinical Trials, please click here to donate.

Your help is hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Professor John Crown proposes a “virtual” National Cancer Research Centre of Ireland

Prof John Crown will chair a meeting in the Herbert Park hotel tomorrow, Friday 14th of June, to discuss the feasibility a “virtual” National Cancer Research Centre of Ireland.

The event is hosted by Molecular Therapeutics for Cancer Ireland (MTCI) and includes international experts, Sir Philip Cohen from Dundee, Prof Ulrik Ringborg from Sweden and Dr Mel Sorensen from the US, who will provide insight into international models for cancer research centres.

ICORG opens ANGIOPREDICT study in Ireland and Germany

The ANGIOPREDICT prospective translational study is an Exploratory Phase II clinical trial comprising biomarker analysis of oxaliplatin plus fluorouracil/leucovorin (FOLFOX) in combination with bevacizumab (bvz) in first line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) expressing mutant K-ras – AC-ANGIOPREDICT’.