What is a cancer trial?

Cancer trials test new and more effective ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer.

Trials can involve testing new drugs or radiotherapy treatments, or combinations of commonly used drugs and/or radiotherapy treatments, new therapies, new ways of treating cancer, or new ways of diagnosing cancer.

They may test surgical techniques, medical devices, or physical therapies. They can also involve investigating blood samples and tissues.

Overall, cancer trials aim to find better ways to:

  • Detect cancer, especially in the early stages
  • Treat cancer
  • Prevent cancer from reoccurring
  • Improve the comfort and quality of life for people with cancer

The idea of a cancer trial can initially create unease. However, when patients and their families find out about the safety measures and monitoring that are in place and the experience of others, they become more comfortable with the idea.

Our Pharmacovigilance staff collect all safety data regarding the trial and report it to the required regulatory bodies in accordance with national and EU Regulations (e.g. Clinical trial directive 2001/20/EC and its associated guidance on adverse events ‘CT-3’, Clinical Trial Regulation EU No 536/2014).  Clinical trials are highly regulated and our compliance to these regulations is subject to continuous review by the applicable regulatory bodies (e.g. Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA)) and other stakeholders.

Patients are intensively monitored by their consultant and research team at all stages. Also, any patient can withdraw from a trial at any time if they wish.