How trials begin

Trials are designed by groups of medical, surgical, and other specialists.

These groups thoroughly analyse existing treatments and current research to identify research gaps and potentially find better ways to detect and treat cancer. The purpose of a trial is to test whether these new ways (new treatments/ new treatment regimens) are more safe and effective than the Standard of Care.

As the details of the trial are being worked out, discussions are held with medical, radiation and surgical staff, nurses, radiation therapists, patients, statistical experts, and support staff, as well as representatives from pharmaceutical companies (where applicable). Before they are opened, trials go through a rigorous regulatory and ethical approval process to make sure that they meet the highest safety and ethical standards.

When the trial is approved by the various regulatory authorities and Cancer Trials Ireland’s oversight committees, and after staff are trained on the trial’s specific details, it begins and patients are enrolled.

Some patients who may be interested in joining a particular trial may not meet all the inclusion criteria and some patients who are eligible for a trial may not want to join for a variety of reasons e.g. frequency of clinic visits, distance of hospital.  While the decision to participate in a trial rests completely with the patient, the advice and guidance from their consultant and local research team is very important. It is also important to note that patients can withdraw from a clinical trial at any time.

Staff in the Cancer Trials Research Units are a huge source of this advice and support, for both patients considering and currently on a trial. They would be happy to help you with any questions. Just Ask!

There are more than 100 trials in Cancer Trial Ireland’s portfolio involving thousands of patients. They can be categorised into three types:

1. Investigator-initiated

These trials are developed and run by our investigators and research teams. They are funded by public grants (e.g. HRB & Irish Cancer Society) and pharmaceutical companies. They can also be funded by philanthropy (e.g. Pat Smullen Pancreatic Fund).

2. International Collaborations

These trials are run in Ireland and other countries around the world. The CTI team manage the Irish arm of the trial and a collaborative group will manage the trial in the other countries where the trial is open.

3. Industry Led

These trials are run in Irish research units and are led and funded by pharmaceutical companies.

Since we were established in 1996, more than 15,000 patients have participated in more than 350 of our Cancer Trials.